Have recently decided to pivet my business and focus on creating commercial content. I will be limiting my work with private clients
I’m always looking for models. A model, for me, is simply someone who is in front of my camera. I am specifically seeking diversity over traditional model types, people from all walks of life with interesting looks and stories. Zero experience required. I shoot mainly lifestyle, families, couples and friends interacting in genuine ways. Recently I have shot a family playing soccer on the front lawn, a member of the military returning home to his family, grandparents facetiming, a youth group performing community service. Real people. Real lives. If this sounds interesting to you, please reach out. Send me a quick note and a snapshot, what makes you unique? I have projects ongoing constantly and would love to try to match you up to one
I am happy to offer a free mini shoot for any family who has adopted or are adopting through the foster care system in Palm Beach County. I am a proud Heart Gallery Photographer and a (humble brag) recipient of the Jim Sackett Adoption Advocacy Award, would love to be a small part of your forever family